Course Structure: B.Sc. in Apparel Manufacturing Engineering

The course design in this section provides title of the courses that a student is required to complete for the award of a B.Sc. in Apparel Manufacturing Engineering who has a 12 years’ pre-university qualification, such as HSC + SSC or its equivalent.

Course Code Name of the courses Credits Hour
ENG 101 Foundational English 3
MATH 102 Mathematics - I 3
PHY 103 Engineering Physics 2
PHY L 104 Engineering Physics Lab 1
CHEM 105 Engineering Chemistry 2
CHEM L 106 Engineering Chemistry Lab 1
ENGG 201 Engineering Graphics 3
ENGG L 202 Engineering Practice Laboratory 2
ENG 203 Technical English 3
MATH 204 Mathematics II 3
BUS 220 Bangladesh Studies 2
PHY 301 Physics of Materials 3
CHEM 302 Chemistry for Technologists 2
CHEM L 303 Applied Chemistry Lab 1
ENGG 304 Engineering Mechanics 3
CSE 305 Computing Techniques 2
CSE L 306 Computing Techniques Lab 1
BAN 320 Bengali Language and Literature 2
AME 401 Fundamentals of Garment Manufacturing 2
AME L 402 Textile Manufacturing Laboratory 1
AME 403 Technology of Fabric Formation 3
AME 404 Technology of Spinning Processes 4
EEE 405 Principles of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2
EEE L 406 Principles of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lab 1
AME 501 Textile Wet Processing I 2
AME L 502 Wet processing I Lab 1
MATH 503 Probability and Statistics 3
AME 504 Characteristics of Textile Fibres 3
AME 601 Basic Sewing Laboratory 1
AME 602 Garment Construction 3
AME 603 Textile Wet Processing II 2
AME L 604 Textile Wet processing II Lab 1
AME 701 Knit Fabric Production 2
AME L 702 Fabric Analysis Laboratory 2
AME 703 Textile Chemical Processing I 3
AME 704 Introduction to Pattern Engineering 3
AME L 705 Pattern Making Laboratory 1
AME 801 Solid Mechanics for Technologists 3
AME 802 Woven Fabric Structure 3
AME 803 Fashion Design 2
AME L 804 Fashion Design Laboratory 1
AME 901 Textile Chemical Processing II 3
AME L 902 Textile Chemical processing Laboratory 1.5
AME 903 Advanced Pattern Engineering 3
AME 904 Garment Production Machinery 3
AME L 905 Garment Construction Laboratory 1.5
AME 1001 Environmental Science and Engineering 3
Elective I 3
Elective II 3
AME 1002 Industrial Engineering in Apparel Industry 3
EMPL 1003 Employability skills 3
AME 1010 Fabric Quality Evaluation 2
AME L 1011 Fabric Quality Evaluation Lab 1
FIN 1012 Financial Management for Textile and Apparel Industries 3
Elective III 3
MGT 1013 Supply Chain Management for Textile Industry 3
AME 1014 Apparel Costing 2
AME 1021 Apparel Production Planning and Process Control 3
AME 1022 Retail Management and Visual Merchandising 3
MKT 1023 Apparel Marketing and Merchandising 3
Elective IV 3
TQM 1024 Total Quality Management for Textile Industry 3
AME 1031 Computer Aided Garment Design Laboratory 2
Industrial Training 2
Elective V 3
Elective VI 3
Thesis/Internship/Dissertation/Project 6
Elective Courses (Any Six):
Course Code Name of the courses Credits Hour
AME 1101 Apparel Accessories and Embellishments 3
MGT 1102 Brand Management 3
AME 1103 Denim Manufacturing 3
AME 1104 Home Textiles 3
AME 1201 Intimate Apparels 3
AME 1202 Knit Wear Development 3
MGT 1203 Production and Operations Management 3
AME 1204 Production and Application of Sewing Threads 3
AME 1301 Protective Textiles 3
AME 1302 Smart Textiles 3
MGT 1303 Disaster Management 3
HUM 1304 Human Rights 3
HUM 1401 Engineering Ethics and Human Values 3
HRM 1402 Human Resources Management 3
AME 1403 Quality Evaluation of Fibers and Yarns 3
AME 1404 Clothing Comfort 3
AME 1501 Color Science 3
AME 1502 Operations Research for Textile Industry 3
AME 1503 Textile and Apparel EXIM Management 3
AME 1504 Technology of Bonded Fabrics 3
SKILL 1601 Foundation Skills in Integrated Product Development 3
ERP 1602 ERP for Apparel Industry 3