Student Review 

At first it was very much tough for me to take decision in which department I wanted to get into. Frankly speaking, I did not know that much about Textile Engineering Department. Then I thought let’s give it a try first. After doing classes for one week in the department I became certain that for me things couldn’t be better than this.

Our teachers always try to make our lessons easily understandable as possible. The best part is, they are very much friendly with students. They make lesson plan in such a way so that we can learn effectively. They always encourage us to learn things not only for obtaining good grades but also for being a true engineer.

Our classroom is actually a two way communication classroom. We share our views, we discuss lessons with our teachers.As we are having regular lab classes it’s very much convenient for us to understand what we are studying, what is the purpose of our lessons. Now I am quite certain that I have taken the best decision to be in the department of textile engineering.

Hamida Khatun

Department of Textile Engineering